About Hadi Ensar CEYLAN

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So far Hadi Ensar CEYLAN has created 125 blog entries.

Our Erasmus+ KA2 Project


Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for common Values in Diversity All project partners from Turkey, Greece, Austria and Germany met from 15 to 19 November 2021 at the University of Education Heidelberg for the launch of the Erasmus+ project “Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for common Values in Diversity”. The aim of the project is to guide teacher training and schools towards appreciative encounters between people of different worldviews – and thus towards competences that are fundamental for peaceful coexistence in religiously and worldview heterogeneous societies. The consortium met for an intensive working week in Heidelberg to get to know each [...]

Our Erasmus+ KA2 Project2022-03-11T19:03:06+03:00

Sociology of Religion in Turkey: Historical Background and Recent Developments


Prof. Dr. İhsan Çapcıoğlu ihsancapcioglu@yahoo.com Abstract Researches of sociology of religion in Turkey started with the translation of basic sociology of religion works and with articles and books of Prince Sabahaddin, Ziya Gökalp, Mehmet İzzet Salahaddin Asım, Necmeddin Sadak, and Hilmi Ziya Ülken. Until the mid-20th century, the course of sociology of religion continued with compiled and translated articles, several works of sociology of religion, and short chapters assigned to religion in sociological works. In 1949, when the chair of Sociology of Religion was established at the Faculty of Theology at Ankara University, the process of academic institutionalization was also started. [...]

Sociology of Religion in Turkey: Historical Background and Recent Developments2022-03-11T18:37:20+03:00

Religion and Politics in Turkey


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selman Yılmaz selyilmaz@ankara.edu.tr Abstract Throughout history, both politics and religion have been seeking to influence and even dominate each other. Turkey is no exception to this rule. Since the Turkish people converted to Islam in the eighth century, Islam has had a strong influence on Turkish politics. After the establishment of modern Turkey in the 1920s, the new rules gradually eradicated Islam from public life. Yet even in this process, Islam was exploited in order to shape and consolidate a new national and secular Turkish identity. When the country passed to multi-party democracy in the late 1940s, Islam [...]

Religion and Politics in Turkey2022-03-11T17:51:25+03:00
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