From 19.09.2022 – 22.09.2022 the second international partner meeting of the Erasmus+ project Sharing Worldviews took place in Thessaloniki. Members of each partner universitiy were able to come together for an efficient and productive week of collaborative project work. The Aristotele University hosted this second international partner meeting and Ankara University, Eskihesir University, KPH/Wien Krems, the University of Jewish Studies, the Universities of Education in Karlsruhe, Freiburg, and Heidelberg came together in Thessaloniki.
SHARING WORLDVIEWS: Learning in Encounter for Common Values in Diversity is an Erasmus+ funded project. Led by Heidelberg University of Education, it started in November 2021 and will run until February 2024, with the aim of qualifying future teachers for the pluralistic school of the future.
Among other things, the multilingual digital teaching, learning, interaction and cooperation platform WEL:digital is being set up for this purpose, which is the responsibility of the KPH Vienna/Krems. Didactic material developed within the framework of the project will be made accessible there. In addition, an internationally recognized additional qualification for teachers will be initiated. The qualification will enable students and teachers to learn together on an international level.
During our second partner meeting we worked together with our international partners on the different Project Results of our project. The Aristotele University welcomed us all hospitably and expressed the principle of mutual hospitality on which our project is based.
The goal of our partner meeting this time was to continue working on the core of our project, the digital teaching, learning, interaction and collaboration platform, so that it can be launched in spring 2023. More information will follow!
The Ankara University was represented by Prof. Dr. Mualla Selçuk.
For more information about this exciting project, please contact us!